
Week 1 Process

ID 4744/ ARCH 3554

Addison C.
Katya Y.
David C.
Brittney G.

                This week was used to research and analyze the site, as well as begin conceptualizing on what type of building we saw for the future, and goals to achieve. We also chose a group name and logo, called NEXUS design group. It stands for the center, or beginning of something. We want this theory to be carried out from this community health center, so all goodness will spread through the community like a ripple effect occurring from a drop of water. Our goals include; Improving the health of the community, foster interconnectedness in the community, create an incentive for learning and improving, create a forum to express, hear, and to be heard, promote volunteerism, and ease the effects of economic hardship.
                After analyzing the site, land slope seems to be the largest determinant of the building design according to height. Three stories will encompass the required 50,000 sq. ft. Bubble diagrams were used to begin deciding which areas will need to go on specific floors. Our group decided to keep the existing building, however redesign the façade to go along with the new three story structure.
This is an initial 3DSketchup image of the façade of the new building. A recessed entry will make it clear and noticeable to the public. The different use of circular and rectangular forms is visually interesting from all sides of the street corner.
                We feel that overall this week was extremely successful. Working together to come up with a plan to support each group member’s requests was challenging, however rewarding. From here, a general block floor plan can begin to take place and finer details attended to.

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